My second attempt at growing bee orchids. Planted in a pot in the dry meadow, protected from slugs by copper bands and special gels as well as egg shells. Doing well so far.
My off Green winged orchid heavily infested with aphids. I washed them off with soft soap solution, hopefully they will not return and have not infected the plant with any viruses
My off Green winged orchid heavily infested with aphids. I washed them off with soft soap solution, hopefully they will not return and have not infected the plant with any viruses.
Ok it doesn't look like much but this little beauty really cheered me up todayyou can just about see the copper ring I placed round it to deter slugs, although previous experience indicates that it probably won't make a lot of difference. As you can see it has already been seriously munched.
The green winged orchid did not fare any better besides being so close to all the frogs in the pond. You would have though that they would need the odd sback to fuel all that activity but maybe they had other things on their mind...
3 months later and the bee orchid had grown well... and the local slugs found the well grown leaves and ate them! Hopefully a generous pile of grit will sort them out...