On Sunday I returned to Ali's meadow and checked up on the Meadowcam. The battery is working fine and is nicely topped up with solar power, while the camera has taken plenty of images. I downloaded these onto a netbook and then restarted the camera. The memory card capacity had been reduced by about 10% over the course of a week so i estimate that at he moment about 6 - 8 weeks between data collections should be fine. I also set up a dome hide and removed the Trailcam - which had not really captured anything very interesting. I hid for a while and spotted a pair of green woodpeckers, a courting pair of Stock Doves and most interestingly a Snipe near the new pond. It was was only after I left that i realised that I had not checked the camera and that I had left behind my hat! I will need to go back before 8 weeks!