Asparagus season has started at last and this year I have persuaded the wife to forgo the dubious pleasures of witte asperges since my knackered back won't let me do all the extra work involved.
Of course I'm not really thinking about never weeding the asparagus beds again. But it does suggest other opprtunities. Interplanting with flowers to attract beneficial insects for other crops for instance? Or salad crops? Protecting the soil with a green manure when they have died back. One row of the asparagus plants on the plot are real stonkers and could probably cope with the extra competition. Once the asparagus plants start to grow properly (i.e. after they have been harvested they will need to get all the care and attention they normally have lavished on them and any competors will need to be pulled up. But is is well worth a bash! Next time I go to pick them I will take a packet of seeds...I jsut need to choose which ones!