I checked the petri dishes and honey jars last night. The ones in the fridge do not seem to have changed, although both the oats medium and the asymbiotic medium are not well set. The ones in the drawer also quite runny, but the B1 fungus has spread out to form a disc of hyphae about 1.5cm in radius and there is no sign of any bacterial or fungal infection so far. The Ophrys apifera seeds I sowed in the honey jar are not visible and I could not clearly see any signs of the B1 fungus, but again there were no signs of any infection in the jar. The Dactylorhiza fuchsii seeds I sowed in August are now plump little protocorms and are ready to be transferred, I think.
This is quite positive and I have removed another three petri dishes from the fridge to see how they develop over the next few days. I am also trying to make a new glove box which is easier to use.