I checked the petri dishes and flasks I sowed in September last night and unfortunately there was a higher than usual rate of contamination, with five plates and three flasks sprouting really nasty growths of mould. The plates were all ones on which I had used half measures of parafilm since I was about to run out. I have ordered some more and will try to reseal all the others. The flasks all came from a batch of seed which was donated by a friend but was of dubious collection method and I guess were contaminated and not completely sterilised by bleaching.
On the upside several of the other plates have already germinated, the Anacamptis morio being really successful with loads of small protocorms.
![Contamination Contamination](https://meadowmaker.typepad.co.uk/.a/6a00d8353302f169e2017ee414d824970d-580wi)
![Contamination Contamination](https://meadowmaker.typepad.co.uk/.a/6a00d8353302f169e2017c32710c5a970b-580wi)