I used to hate June. Ever since I was a small child with a burgeoning interest in natural history I have wanted to crawl around in the undergrowth, looking at all the wildflowers which are at their very best in June, delighting at the beetles and butterflies and marvelling at the ants, solitary wasps, spiders, snails and other invertebrates busily munching away through the meadows and each other. But every June I would be plagued by hayfever, turning into a useless wet blob, sneezing to exhaustion, blinded by tears, wheezing to the point where i could hardly stand up. It seemed a bit unfair back then. Now of course i have learned that all the drugs are just rubbish peddled by greedy pharmaceutical companies which simply do not work, and that this is the price of being outdoors. It still strikes me as being a bit unfair, why can't I be allergic to something I don't enjoy, like cats or football? But compared with all the death and destruction and doom going around it is a pretty paltry type of unfairness.
So, you may well ask why I am making a meadow, full of grasses to spread pollen to get up my nose? Well apart from the fact that there would still be plenty of pollen around, and the fact that the other 11 months are trouble free, I think I might use it as a pollen reserve and go out sniffing it every morning from april onwards and try to build up an immunity. Or maybe I just forgot that i get hayfever. Oh yeah that was it, I designed it in winter!
Bugger, i won't do that again!