The orchids are currently in the small dibond plunge tray I have made in the greenhouse, sitting underneath the large aluminum trays I bought from Two Wests and Elliot. These are currently underneath the staging I have rigged up using a couple of B & Q Trestles plus some large steel z-sections. The trestles can apparantly support 100kg and i calculate that each tray would need 1.5 bags of sand weigh 37.5kg. When wet and full of plants however... so for now I will use just one tray and see how I get on - this should be enough room. the benefit of this, besides being cheap (the trestles were £25.00, the steel sections were free) is that it can be easily taken apart and moved around for cleaning etc. Of course once I have a 50kg tray of wet sand it will be a lot harder!
I have just received delivery of a fan heater, I'll see how much it costs to run. Some other ideas include using a probe thermostat to measure the sand temperature with a soil heating cable and insulating the OUTSIDE of the greenhouse with bubble wrap (not sure how to fix it on though...)
The greenhouse and indeed the floor really needs a good cleaning out. I might pave it too. If i am going to do this it will need to be before the winter sets in however...