Although a lot of the Mediterranean species (and one of the Ophrys sphegodes) are starting to look a bit ropey, most of the other wintergreen orchids are looking good. The Oprys apifera and especially the Anacamptis pyramidalis both look fine, although the latter looks like it may starting to form a spike. The flowering size Anacamptis morio is definately forming a spike. The Ophrys sphegodes in the clay pot (now in its second year at flowering size) is looking excellent and and a flower spike is starting to form as well. It's interesting to compare this with the other one I have in a plastic pot. I wonder whether the compost mix (from the grower) or the way I am handling it in the pot, both of which are different, may be the key factors rather than the other environmental factors (light levels, temperature, watering and feeding regime) both of which have been the same. The Orchis militaris are all looking very promising putting on a lot of leaf growth. The Orchis simia has not changed at all really and the tiny leaves which have formed where the main shoot was damaged in transit have remained tiny(<5mm) but at least it hasn't deteriorated. The Anacamptis laxiflora which flowered so well last year is growing excellently, although the seedlings I raised last year seem to have been badly affected by greenfly damage. Certainly they have been a lot more susceptible than the adult plant. Finally the Dacts and Gymnadenia conopsea are doing well although mostly just shoots at the moment.